History and anthem

About us / History and anthem

Riga Technical College was founded on the basis of State Electrical Equipment Factory (VEF) Vocational School. In the course of time the name was changed:

1935 - 1945
State Electrical Equipment Factory (VEF) Vocational School

1945 - 1985
Riga Electrical Mechanical Vocational School

1985 - 1992
Riga Radio Electronic Equipment Vocational School

1992 - 2011
Riga Technical College

March 21 , 2002
The college was accredited

In 2011 the name Vocational Education Competence Centre „Riga Technical College” was granted.

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Riga Technical College has its symbols, i.e a graduate’s signet ring approved in 2002 and a college  flag sanctified by the priest Juris Rubenis. At about the same time a college anthem was written by the author Dina Kristine Bitena and the composer Atvars Sirmais.

Riga Technical College Anthem

Un ”pastāvēs, kas pārvērtīsies”...

Lai vārdi šie nav sauklis vien.

Kad mūsu karogs vaļā vīsies,

Lai augšup maināmies ikviens.

Šis karogs svēts, jo tas ir mūsu,

Un mūsu rokās tas ir celts,

Lai zināšanas, kuras gūstam,

Ir vērtīgākas nekā zelts.

Un jaunība, kas šodien mūsu,
Lai mūžam dvēselē ir tā.

Mēs bijām, esam un mēs būsim –
Rīgas Tehniskā koledža!