Refrigeration Systems

College / Study Programs / Refrigeration Systems

Refrigeration Systems

Qualification to be obtained: Refrigeration Equipment and Systems Specialist

Educational document to be obtained: Diploma in Short-Cycle Higher Professional Education

Previous education: General Secondary or Professional Secondary Education

Language of education: Latvian
Duration: 2 years
Form of implementation: Full-time
Learning place: Rīga, Braslas Street 16
Credit points: 120
Funding: State Budget Funding or Self-financing
Employment description

A refrigeration equipment and systems specialist is responsible for the design, installation, adjustment, servicing, and assembly of refrigeration equipment and systems, ensuring adherence to the latest advancements in refrigeration technology. The specialist is proficient in working according to European standards, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements in the refrigeration industry.

Additionally, the role involves organizing and overseeing the safe operation of refrigeration equipment for both people and the environment, as well as managing and controlling quality processes.