Engineering Mechanics Refrigeration

Vocational Secondary School / Educational Programs / Engineering Mechanics Refrigeration

Refrigeration Systems Technician

Qualification to be obtained: Refrigeration Systems Technician

Educational document to be obtained: Diploma in Short-Cycle Higher Professional Education

Previous education: Basic Education (9th grade)

Language of education: Latvian
Duration: 4 years
Form of implementation: Daytime
Learning place: Rīga, Braslas Street 16
Special requirements in the specialty: Strong knowledge of physics and mathematics
Employment description

A refrigeration systems technician works in food industry companies engaged in food production and may also work on ships such as refrigerated vessels and gas carriers. Employment opportunities include product storage facilities such as freezers, warehouses, and retail stores. Graduates may also find work in other industrial sectors where compressor technology is used and produced, as well as in companies involved in the design and technical operation of refrigeration and air conditioning systems.

Specific skills in the profession
  • Manufacture and assemble refrigeration systems and mechanical devices
  • Operate, monitor, and repair refrigeration equipment
  • Calculate material and labor consumption
  • Solve tasks to optimize the operating modes of refrigeration systemsFormas beigas